Friday, December 20, 2013

Enjoying the Holiday Season!

Gingerbread houses :)

Thank you parents for all the support these past few weeks,
we could not have done it without your help! Have a wonderful break and happy holidays :)

Five Senses!

Our Five Senses!

The Last two weeks we have been exploring our five senses with a variety of hands on experiences! Week one we experimented with our sense of scent and sight. We experimented with our noses and played some smelling games (some good smells, and some not so popular!) Week two we explored our sense of sight and taste. Everyone was brave and tried all of the different foods, we're so proud of them :) We captured some great shots of the kids trying lemons!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Winter Concert A Hit!

Please enjoy viewing our Winter Concert by linking on the following site:

I am very proud of my 4K Friends...they did a great job and worked tirelessly for
weeks to get it all just right! Their enthusiasm and discipline even won them the
Secret Teacher Award and the Music Teacher's Award at this week's Fish Meeting! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Silly sock day!

We have been practicing hard for our winter concert, we hope you can join us :)
Thursday December 12th at 6:00 PM in the Mitchell gym.
 Our very own elf Jacob taking orders
 for Santa in our drama center!
In honor of meeting Ms. S we had...
Silly Sock Day!

 A.M silly socks!
P.M Silly socks!