Thursday, October 31, 2013

November Newsletter
4 Year Old Kindergarten

 Parents...thank you for all your help and support over the past two months as we continue to work on our routines and get to know one another. Thank you to all who helped with our fall celebrations and who attended conferences! It was wonderful to report all the great things that are being done in 4K!  I continue to see growth and progress academically, socially and  emotionally for our 4K students. Academically we have been busy working on learning how to count to 10, sorting by colors and shapes, learning the name, sound and manuscript for the letters Ll, Ff, Pp, and Aa… and even reading simple words and stories.  Please check to see if your child can identify these upper and lower case letters and review them with your child often. The letter sound cards you received a few weeks ago and refrigerator magnets are great to use in the kitchen for review!

      Families it is with sadness that we must say good-bye to our student teacher Ms. Sarah Swenberg…she has done a wonderful job and we will miss her but hopefully it will not be the last time we see her…we hope she will visit us after her next placement in MPS.  We welcome a new student teacher Natalie Barczi beginning November 4th.  We are in the process of making a card and a gift for Sarah but if you and your child would like to make a personal card please feel free to send it on Friday! Thank you for your support for Ms. Swenberg and Ms. Barczi.

Things to Come...

            In November, we will continue to learn more about the seasons, friendship, about having an attitude of thankfulness and the history of the first Thanksgiving.  In math we will begin working on numbers 5-10, review our 8 basic shapes (they should be able to identify them all by now) and making simple patterns. We will meet new letter friends (remember to keep this a secretMr. N (aka: Noisey Nose).  He loves loud and quiet noises.  He thinks words like nut, nose, newspaper, and nest are nice… and Ms. T  who has terrifically tall teeth!  She eats tasty, healthful things and then uses a toothbrush on her tall teeth.  She likes to travel a lot and uses her tote bag on all kinds of transportation.  Two capital T’s are hidden in her toothbrush…and of course her favorite holiday is thanksgiving and she loves turkey!

Weather.... This month brings colder weather and that means children come to school with a lot of extra clothes to put on too! We encourage you to take the time with your children and teach them how to dress themselves.  It is very important to teach your child their “winter dressing skills”!  We’ve found it helpful to teach children to dress in a specific order...

Text Box:                                                                       
1. boots - (Of course if they are wearing snow pants those would come first!) * Be sure your child has shoes in their backpack to wear in school! Boots are not comfortable and leading to overheated and uncomfortable 4 year olds...not good!
2. coat
3. hat
4. scarves
5. mittens (LAST because they need their hands to get the other clothes on and fastenedJ!)

**Important Note: When the weather becomes cold and snowy we’ll let you know when we’ll be going outside.  Until that time you don’t need to send your child with snow pants.  Our “cloak room is very crowded and children tend to overheat wearing snow pants.  However, if your child is walking to school and there is a need to wear snow pants, of course please do so. We have found that an extra bag with which to keep the snow pants in is also very helpful. Please do not place snow pants or boots in their backpacks...if they are kept in the backpacks there is no room for important school papers and projects and then that becomes a problem.

 Progress Reports...

            On Friday, November 8th your child will bring home a progress report.  These reports will give you a glimpse of what we hope to achieve academically, socially and emotionally with you child this year. While there are many things we hope to accomplish this year, please remember that all children are not going to progress at the same time or at the same rate.  Not all children learned to walk at the same time and not all children will meet 4K goals at the time. If you however have some concerns, please feel free to contact me, I would love to talk to you at anytime about any concerns you may have.  Your child’s progress and welfare are very important.   If your child’s progress is not quite where it needs to be, your help reviewing and working on 4K goals and reading to your child at home will make a huge difference in your child’s school success. I encourage you to read every night with your child, review our letters and sounds, practice counting, writing their first name, letters, and numbers, as well as work on those self-help and social skills. Speaking of which...

Reporting an Absence

            Thank you parents for keeping your student home if they are sick.  We have had a rough start to the school year in term of germs, so I appreciate you being extra cautious when it comes to sending a child to school or not. If they are feverish it should be 24 hours before they return, if they are coughing a lot or noses are running it is always best to give them the extra rest and keep them home. If you do have to keep a child home please remember to call 604-4500 and press 1 for attendance (this is available 24 hours a day) or send a separate note to school with a sibling. If you know they will be out ahead of time you may also send a note to me.  The office prefers not to have emails sent to me or the office because emails are not always received at the correct time.  Thank you for following protocol in this matter.

            A month or so ago, you received a zip-lock bag with a pencil grip and writing practice sheets for you to use with your child.  One of the goals of 4K is to help children learn how to properly grip a pencil and how to correctly write their name (first letter, capital and remaining letters, lower case). In the bag you will find directions for using the grip (we have used them at school and your child should know how to by this time).  It is very important to use the grip so the proper positioning habits are formed. It is also important to remember that when writing, all letters start at the top and most are made with one flowing motion. I will be sending home about 6 sheets with their name written on it correctly… Thank you for taking the time to work on this important skill with your child. They are very proud to be able to show they can write their names.

Library and Physical Education Classes…

             Taught by yours truly…we will begin library and gym class the week on November 18th!  Library will be on Mondays at 10:30 to 11:00 in the morning and 2:45-3:15 in the afternoon. Please see the end of this newsletter!  We would love to have you or another family member or friend come and read!

Gym will be on Fridays at…9:15 AM and 2:30 PM.   Please be sure your child wears gym shoes and comfortable closes on this day…if they are not wearing gym shoes they have to sit out…which is no fun.  If anyone has any extra, not used gym shoes I will take them!  (I sanitize them after each use!) We will use them for those who may have forgot…I hate to see anyone have to sit out.

It’s Library Time

At the end of this month we will start going to the Library! A schedule was sent home at the beginning of the school year.  During our time in the library we will enjoy listening to a guest reader read a book or two and then check out a book to bring home and enjoy until the next week when we will bring it back and pick a new one!  PLEASE enjoy reading the book with your child not once but a couple of times! Talking to your child about the pictures, asking questions about what is happening in the story, making predictions are just some of the great pre-reading skills you can develop by reading to your child. You can also use this time to teach them a couple of great reading strategies:

            1. Use picture cues to help you figure out word/s and the story events  

            2.  Make predictions about what may happen next

            3. Sound out words by looking for the beginning, middle and ending letter sounds

            4. Retell the story’s beginning, middle and ending.

Our library books will be coming home in a special bag meant to be saved and used every week just for our books, as we take them to and from school!  They help keep the books safe and hopefully show our children how to respectfully care for books. It would be wonderful if you had a special spot for these bags at home.  Children who do not return their library book on Library Day will not be able to check out another book so please help your child develop good organizational skills and the positive habit of caring for borrowed things.

If you are interested in reading a book to the children during our library time please see the tear off slip at the end of this newsletter and return it to us or give us a call and we can tell you more.  The children love it when parents, grandparents, or other family members come in to read to us...and we NEED volunteers!

Important Events to Come...

Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)! Please consider joining our PTA! They do so much for our school but parent enrollment continues to be low. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month and free babysitting is available!

Thanksgiving Center... Our Drama Center is Changing!

            Our house keeping center will be changing into a Native American-Pilgrim Center...If you have any Native American or early American items/knowledge you would like to share or donate to the classroom please let us know.

Things to Celebrate!  We have many “Thank Yous!” to give this month! Thanks to...

Ÿ  To all the parents who volunteered to help in and out of the classroom during the month of October, when on our field trip and donated their time and goodies for our fall party!

Ÿ  Thanks to the many of you who have donated things! The stickers, tattoos, treats, toys, etc. have been wonderful!  If you have any of the following items around your home that are not being used and you would like to get “rid” of them we could use:, baby doll stroller, baby bottles, dress up clothes, cash register, 8x11 construction paper, plastic witch fingers (we use them as reading fingersJ)!

Ÿ  Thanks to all the parents who work on “homework” with your child! Please don’t stress about it but do as you can and return it when finished.

Thank you, thank you families...we could not do this with out YOU! Your help is appreciated!

This Month Please Remember to...

Ÿ  To check backpacks everyday but especially on Friday for those Friday Folders!

Ÿ  Thank you for your faithfulness when it comes to snacks... it’s great to have a fresh new and healthy snack everyday. Please note this month’s snack calendar for your turn it was send home a week ago!

Ÿ  Important ...we will have some indoor gym time beginning this month, so please be sure that your child has gym shoes every Friday or keep an extra pair in their backpack with their spare clothes.

Ÿ  Return Scholastic Book orders by the THIRD Thursday of every month.  Thanks to those who have already ordered we have received a ton of free classroom books!

Ÿ  Order from Market Day to help support school projects.

Ÿ  Thanksgiving Break will begin on Wednesday, November 27th. There is no school that Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.....Happy Thanksgiving!




Sunday, October 27, 2013

Just in case you did not see principal Joe Hill duck taped to the gym wall! Yes! We met our fundraising goal and Mr. Hill kept his word...he was duck taped! Way to go... Mr. Hill and Mitchell Students for raising PTA funds!

Our Character Costume Parade and Fall Celebration

Thanks to all the parents who helped make our day so
much fun!

Thank you 4th and 5th Grade Friends for cheering us on
during our afternoon parade!
What a great way to "Be There" for us!

We enjoyed some tasty treats!

Friday, October 4, 2013

October News for 4K
It’s hard to believe October is here!  Our 4K students are doing a fantastic job learning our daily schedule and learning all those things that need to be learned in school!  I am truly proud and so pleased with our students!  Parents...thanks for doing such a great job raising them! As always, if you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to email or leave a message on my voice mail...I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Ÿ  Voice Mail...604-4500 ext.1517
Ÿ  Email:
Classroom Routines
            We continue to work on skills needed to operate as a class.  We are learning how to use our manners in all situations, how to listen and follow directions, how to help each other out, how to use school equipment, scissors, pencils, glue, glue sticks, marker , etc!  We have worked on becoming familiar with our classroom, working at centers, recognizing our name and our classmate’s names, finding and caring for friends, taking care of our personal belongings and classroom supplies, standing and walking in line, hanging up coats and backpacks, cleaning up after ourselves, raising our hand when we want to speak, sitting “criss-cross applesauce” on the rug, all the basic colors and shapes, made our shape and color book, read tons of stories and discussed important social manners (especially during snack), and  the importance of following directions!  Whew! We have also talked about how “stinky fish”...behavior are those behaviors that are not so good when we are in school and how to choose behaviors that help make our class a great place to be!
Something you can do to reinforce positive behaviors at home is discuss what behaviors are expected there and at home, and don't forget to ask your child what they did in school each day!  Now I know, invariably their response may be “Nothing”… but don’t be discouraged!  Encourage you child to talk about their day by asking specific questions like...”What story did you read with your teacher?”, “What center did you work in today?”, “Who did you play with today?”  This helps your child process and review important concepts that may have been taught that day and gives you a sense of how your child is progressing and feeling about school. And again, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact me.
Classroom Celebrations and Parent Involvement
Thank you for the goodies I've received from my wish list!   I have appreciated all, as well as the many who have offered to help out with various things...I truly appreciate it! Some of you have already offered to help out with classroom celebrations. I have assigned every parent to help contribute to upcoming celebrations (Thanksgiving, etc.)…the first of which is our Fall Celebration... If you receive a call from a parent requesting something please graciously offer to help us out and do your part.  Thank you!
Speaking of fall celebration…our PTA is sponsoring a costume dance on Wednesday, October 23rd from 6-8:30 pm. It's tons of fun and I hope you come. In order to kick the day off we have been invited to dress in costume that day!  So please send your child to school dressed in their favorite book character that day…and bring the book too!  More information will be forthcoming…but wanted you to have a heads up!  We will also be parading around the school that day with all our friends, so set that day aside we plan on having a very exciting time!
            We would like to share some reminders that would help us make 4K a bit easier for all...
Ÿ  Please make sure your child has had breakfast or lunch before school...and that they have gone to the bathroom before coming too!
Ÿ  Be sure that all clothing, backpacks, notes and papers are labeled with your child’s name. If   something is lost we have a Lost and Found in the main east hallway.
Ÿ  If your child has a front pouch on their helps if their extra clothes can be put in there…it gives them more room for important school things! J
Ÿ  Please, please check backpacks everyday for things but especially on Fridays for the Friday   Folders!
Ÿ  Please, then return Friday Folders empty on Mondays or Tuesdays if we are off Monday!
Ÿ  Do not allow your child to bring toys, books, or other personal items to school, it causes              distractions…jewelry can be distracting too.
Ÿ  Unfortunately it is not possible for us to check 18 or more backpacks everyday for notes, etc. If there is a change in pick up or drop off procedures for the day please call the Mitchell  Office...they will be sure the message gets to us.
Ÿ Now that the weather is getting cooler, help your child learn how to put on their coats, pull out those inside out sleeves, etc.  We are outnumbered!  And, it is important that 4 year olds learn to do it themselves. Thank you. 
Ÿ  Please be sure to look at the monthly snack calendar and make sure you don’t miss your day.  We have 18 in the morning classes and 18 in the afternoon. Thanks for all the healthy snacks we’re receiving... the students are so happy to share and proud to be the snack person for the day.
Monthly newsletters will always be posted on my blog: It can be seen on the Mitchell Elementary website along with Mr. Hill’s school wide newsletter! If it is not possible to view the school wide newsletter you may request a copy from the office.

PTA...Parent – Teacher Association
           Please be sure to join Mitchell’s PTA...They do a great job supporting Mitchell students and teachers by providing funds for classroom expenses, funds for field trip buses (they help off-set the cost of our farm field trip this week!) and great social events. Dues are only $8.00 and we are in the running for having the most parents per class as members!  My goal is to have 100% of 4K parents as members…so please join! A fun family event is happening at the end of October…please see the Mitchell Facebook page for all the information! 
       Letter People
          Our school district uses a reading resource called the Letter People.  The inflatable letter characters are introduced to our students as real people and many of our students truly look at them as part of our class.  Each month we will introduce two to six “letter friends” who introduce us to their letter and the sound that letter makes through some characteristic they possess. We will let you know in each month’s newsletter whom our new letter people will be for the month but we ask that you keep their “identity” a secret so that their surprise arrival is not ruined. Each letter person has a special “Me Bag” that will contain objects that begin with the letter, at story and a visual clue that emphasizes the letter sound, and a picture card of the letter person for each student to color and bring home to be used as a review for that letter’s name and sound and a manuscript page which will teach us how to write the letter.  If your child would like to bring in something for the letter person’s Me Bag that starts with the letter sound please feel free to let them do so!  We love to have students share what they find at home!
            We will also send home a letter reader during the week.  PLEASE be sure to practice reading the booklet to or with your child!  Many of our students will be reading and ready for 5K if you faithfully read these booklets and practice the sounds!
            Next week we will meet Ms. L who loves to laugh, learn and listen. She will teach us how to ask questions to learn, how to listen and a little bit about light!  We’ll then meet Mr. F who has funny feet... he will teach us about being different and about our family and friends and the farm.  At the end of month we’ll meet Mr. P who will tell us about our body parts and pumpkins and Miss A…who will teach us about apples and how to say Achooo! in our arms so we don’t pass our germs to anyone!  Please enjoy talking about our “letter friends” with your child as we meet each one, you know who we have met when we bring home a picture of them!
          Conferences for each 4K student will take place  Tuesday, October 29 and Wednesday, October 30.  Please don't forget to sign up by going to the school Facebook or website. J
            Progress Reports
            As mentioned at Parent’s Night 4K students will be given a general assessment of skills during the months of September, January, March and June.  We are right in the middle of these assessments and hope to finish in a few weeks. Beginning Oct. 14 through Oct. 23 students will also be given an assessment call Pals (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening). The results of PALS and all other assessments will be shared with you at conference time. Please look for a copy of your child’s first assessment/report card to come home in November.
 Finally, our Ms. Swenberg will be completing her 10 weeks with us on November 1st and beginning another placement at another school.  If you or your child would like to write a note or draw a picture for Ms. Swenberg as a remembrance for her time with us please do so and just put it in an envelope with my name on it and I will but it in a book for her on that last day. Thank you.
Thanks again for all your support getting the school year off and running! I am excited about all the great things we're doing in 4K and the wonderful progress your children are making...We look forward to the 2012-13 school year!   Mrs. Berka

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Our Day at Green Meadows Farm

We had a great morning at Green Meadows learning about farm animals!

We got to touch the different animals!

We even got to milk a REAL cow!

We went on a very bumpy hayride!

We even got to ride a pony!

Even the rain didn't stop us from having fun!

Thanks mom, dads and grandmas for coming, we couldn't have done it without you!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It's Fall! We're practicing our counting by creating apple trees!

We created bat hats for black day!