Friday, September 21, 2012


 Table Toys


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Colors and Shapes

Practicing reading from out Brown Bear Brown Bear books!
Sequencing Clifford in the Writing Center!

Seeing how high we can count!


Reading from our Brown Bear Book!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mitchell Elementary
4K Classroom

Welcome to Four Year Old Kindergarten here at Mitchell! We are happy you have chosen to be a part of the Mitchell learning community!  The faculty and staff of Mitchell Elementary are excited to provide a positive, nurturing, and safe environment for all children to learn and grow and we are looking forward to another exciting, eventful, and successful year of school!  Below is a list of  some important information and a few helpful hints designed to make the school year a little easier.  Please take some time to read over the following...

Start and Ending Times        
The AM session is from 8:25 am – 11:00 am
The PM session is from 12:50 pm – 3:25 pm   
       It is important that your child be here on time each day, many important things happen during our time together and we hate to have your child miss even one moment!

            Your child’s daily attendance is also very important. There are a lot of great things especially planned with your child in mind to do each day and missing school means missing valuable learning experiences. If you should be late for school, you must bring your child into school from via the main entrance and please check your child in at the school office for an attendance pass before coming to the classroom. If your child is not attending school please call the school office to let them know the reason for your child’s absence.  

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

Drop Off
          Children will be lining up on the upper playground outside the 4K classroom on the south side of the playground.  They will have class lines to join each day. On rainy days, the parents and children will be allowed into school via the southeast doors off 101st Street and allowed to report to the gymnasium, were I will pick them up at the bell. No child at any time should be left outside without adult supervision!

Pick Up
          4K will be dismissed out the same south 4K doors on the upper playground.  Please be sure to complete the yellow dismissal form and keep it updated at all times with phone number changes, changes in address, people who are allowed to drop off or pick up your child, etc.  This helps us maintain an organized and safe dismissal.  If your child does have a change in dismissal procedure, please tell us as far in advance as possible and be sure to put all changes in writing in order for the school office to have a record! 
            Also, PLEASE be prompt with your pick up so your child does not have to wait. They get very worried!  If you are late, which happens to all of us...please call the office to let us know, so we can plan accordingly.
          To and From School...
Please be certain your child is escorted to and from the 4K doors to your place of residence. Demonstrate and discuss safety rules which should be practiced, such as crossing streets at the corner crosswalks only, behavior near railroad tracks, driveways, etc. Please also be sure to follow school rules and parking restrictions. Often parents are ticketed when they improperly park, so please be aware of parking restrictions and watch for pedestrians when driving near school!  Please also be sure your child has proper safety seats and are buckled in at all times when driving! Those not following parking and seatbelt rules will be reported to the West Allis Police Department.
            In the Classroom...
Please also be sure to teach your child the basic safety rules concerning pencils, crayons, scissors, matches, walking in buildings, not shouting or running in public places, not interrupting others, especially adults when they are talking,  no pushing or tripping other people and try to instill in your child a respect for allowing other’s to have their  “personal space”.

A Good Night’s Sleep and Breakfast
          Plan each day so that your child can have a leisurely warm breakfast or lunch before coming to school. So much learning is lost because they are hungry or tired!  Make sure they get plenty of least 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day for good brain development! That means bedtime should be about 7:30 or 8:00 pm!

          Often young children can become ill during their first year of school as they get use to being exposed to “new germs”.  Your child should be kept home if they have a cold, fever, upset stomach, sore throat, red or draining eyes, skin rash, runny nose or any other sign of is better to keep them home if you’re not sure they are well than having us call you to come and get them.  If your child is ill, please phone the school office at 604-4500 and report their absence. If you do not call, our school secretary will have to call you.  A note should be sent with your child stating the reason for the absence at the time they return to school.  Also just a note: sometimes mistakes in attendance are made (attendance it taken via computer and teacher error is not uncommon when you’re trying to take attendance with 18 excited and active four year olds in the room!)  If you get a call that your child is not in school but you know that you dropped them off...don’t panic!  The office will check for error and we’ll get back to you ASAP...they will call down to check to make sure your child is in class! Thank you!

Appropriate Dress
          Choose clothes and shoes for your child to wear that are comfortable, that they can put on, take off and fasten alone. Label clothes, especially sweaters, jackets, hats, mittens, gym shoes and boots incase they get lost. We go out for recess almost everyday in fall and spring so please make sure they are also dressed weather appropriate.  During the winter months we will notify you ahead of time when we plan to go outside.  Important: Please keep a complete change of clothes, in a labeled ziplock bag, in your child’s backpack in case there is a need for a change of clothes.

Manners Help Make Our Day!
          Throughout the school year we reinforce good manners.  Please help us out by making sure your child has learned correct social manners such as how to wait for their turn, how to lose in a game or not always be first, how to not interrupt someone when they are talking, clean up after oneself, ask for help if needed, how to share, use verbal manners like: “Excuse me”, “Sorry”, “May I...”, “Please” and “Thank you.”
            Teach your child to ask to go to the “bathroom” (instead of other words some children might not know). We teach the children sign language for bathroom (fist one hand – put your thumb up and between the index and middle fingers – slightly shake your fisted hand) incase they need to use the bathroom while the teacher is teaching.
            Make sure your child is familiar with simple health and hygiene habits: brushing their teeth every morning (even if they eat breakfast at school brush before school), the need to wash hands after using the bathroom, blowing their noses, covering their mouth with their elbow when coughing or sneezing (the elbow is a “sneeze and cough catcher”), chewing with their mouth closed, not talking with their mouth full of food, etc.

Snack Time
        We will have a daily snack time. We encourage nutritious snacks (whole grains, cheese sticks, fruit, and veggies). Please do not send cookies, cakes, fruit roll ups, fruit snack pouches, any thing with nuts, chips, etc.   A monthly snack calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month.  We ask that each day one child bring in a healthy snack (and if you so choose a beverage) for all 18 students. This alleviates having to send a snack each day with your child and thereby works out so that each family is only bringing a snack for the whole class once or twice a month.  The student who brings in the snack is the “Snack Person” for the day and they get to pass out the snack and thanked with a special song.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to talk with me about snack time.      
         We love to celebrate birthdays in 4K! Feel free to send a special snack to share with the class. I will arrange that your child is the snack person on or near their birthday.  Summer birthdays are celebrated as ½ birthdays!   Please do not send birthday party invitations to school unless all students are invited. It is hurtful to students when they are not invited, thank you.  If you want invitations given to specific children, put them in an envelope marked for the teacher who will place them in specific Friday folders.

Friday Folders
        We will be using Friday Folders. Your child will bring his/her folder home on Fridays and we ask that you make sure to return them to school on Monday, or the very next day of school should school be out on Monday.  Please use these folders to send any notes, money, field trip money or paperwork to school.

Note: If money is sent to school for any reason it should be sent in an envelope with your child’s name on it and what it is for. So often we get money handed to us or put on our desk and we have no idea who it’s from or what it’s for...L
          Please check your child’s folder every Friday for any notes, homework, requests or school information that may have been sent home. Occasionally however, the district has important information they want sent out immediately, so we also encourage you to check your child’s backpack daily.  We are not able to go through all 36 backpacks on a daily basis so any information you want us to know should be given to us directly when you bring your child to school.  Please do not send trinkets or toys to school unless it has been requested for a specific reason.  These special items tend to get lost, broken, or permanently “shared” and usually end up as a distraction or object of arguments.

Progress Reports/Parent Conferences
          Students in 4K are given a basic assessment within the first two months of school and a report of continual assessments is given to parents four times a year, in the form of a report card.  In February or March 4K students are also given a standardized test called the Dial 2 with a written report sent to parents about a month later.   Conference times are also a part of the 4K experience and you will be notified of conference times as they approach.  If however you have any questions or concerns regarding the progress of your child’s academic, social or emotional growth I invite you to set up a time to conference with me at any time.

Fish Program...Will Make our Day! 
  Our classroom uses a classroom environment and behavior program called the Fish Program. A handout and detailed explanation will be given on Parent Information Night (PIN) which will take place the evening of September 21st. 6:30-8pm. (Please note this evening is for parents only!)

Discipline Procedures
     Along with the Fish Program we will be using the Mitchell Pilots Contract agreement for parents, teachers and students (please see the contract handout which will be given out during Forms and Fee Day) and the following...

                                          Classroom Rules
Respect yourself and others. (Be kind to yourself and friends.  Use nice words and share.)
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Work and play safely and respectfully.
Be responsible for your own actions. (Think before you say and do.)

            As teachers we believe in “catching children being good”.  We reinforce with verbal praise and positive redirection.  We remind children what they should do vs. not do (i.e. “Walk in school.” vs. “Don’t run in school.”).  If positive redirection is not effective and the child continues to disrupt the classroom in some way, the student will be removed from the group to a time out/quiet area.  If the child needs to go to the time out area s/he is told the teacher will talk to him/her when the teacher notices they are sitting quietly. We will discuss the behavior that needs to change with the student and ask them to verbally restate what types of behavior choices should be made in the future or follow thru on plans to correct a situation.  If negative behavior consistently continues parents will be called or a “pink slip” will be sent home notifying the parent of their child’s behavior. As always, if you sense there is a problem at home or you are hearing “reports” of bad behavior or bullying by your child or another child it is imperative that you notify me right away!  So many things can happen in a very busy classroom and so it is important that we cooperate and work together to make sure that our classroom is a safe and positive place.  Thank you.

Field Trips
          Every year 4K students take a number of field trips. Traditionally we have taken a trip in October to a nearby pumpkin farm, during the winter months we usually attend a play, and visit the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. Permission slips are required and given to students in advance of the trip. We request that permission slips and fees be turned in as soon as possible and on time so that we may reserve our place on the trip.  Parents are welcome attend if chaperones are needed and there is enough room on the bus.  If parents do not wish to have their child go on a field trip they have a right to decline the experience for their child but will need to make child care arrangements for their child during school for that day, the school is not responsible to seeing to the care of your child that day.  Please also note that due to the need to rent a bus and meet certain minimum number criteria field trips are sometimes done outside a student’s normal school time...if that is the case parents must arrange for day care and transportation changes that may need to take place. 

Parent Volunteers and Classroom Needs!
          After the first month of school, parents are invited to volunteer classroom needs.  A parent volunteer sign up sheet will be posted between the south 4K doors and parents are encouraged to sign up as much and as often as they’d like! We also welcome donations of just about, dress up clothes, books, educational materials, computer games, gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target, etc!!!  A 4K giving tree will be displayed between the doorways with things that you might be able or willing to donate.  Thank you!

Communication is Key!  
          If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, arrange for a conference after school, discuss a situation or problem, or leave a message in voicemail (refer to end of letter) I want you to know that I wish to be available to you and want to make sure that your needs as a parent are being met. If you have a problem with a teacher (self included) or another staff member PLEASE make sure that you talk to them first. Please do not go to other parents or the principal without trying to solve it first with the teacher. You will find that most problems are best handled this way.  Also, if you are discussing your child or another student with me PLEASE be sure your child is out of hearing range  it is not always appropriate to discuss what may be a sensitive, adult or hurtful issue in the presence of a child. Thank you for honoring these requests.

Messages/Voice Mail
          You can always leave a voice mail for me at the following phone number: 604-4500 or thru email.  We will try to return your call or email within 24 hours but the best time to reach us during the school day is from 11:30 to 12:30 or after school.

**Please note...urgent messages should go through our office to ensure
that they are passed onto the teacher directly as soon as possible.

Classroom Blog
            I am moving (slowly but surely) into the 21st Century and I now have a my own classroom blog!  On the blog you will find my classroom newsletters, important dates, websites appropriate for 4K academic support, and classroom pictures!  Please be sure to visit my blog at least once a month! You will find my blog at


You have done a lot to prepare your child for school and we congratulate you!  Thank you for doing your part by following the procedures outlined in this handout. Your help and support during this very important first year of your child’s education is greatly appreciated.  We look forward to partnering with you in the important endeavor of preparing your child to become successful students and life long learners...

Mrs. Berka
4K Teacher
Mitchell Elementary

Our First Friday Fish Meeting!

Our Fish Maschot
 Mr. Hill telling us about our Friday Morning Meeting

Some Friends Ready to Listen!