Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mr. H Celebrates CRAZY Hair Day with 4K!

Welcome Mr. H!!!!!!

Our Morning Class with their CRAZY Hair!


Our Afternoon class with their CRAZY Hair!

Welcome Ms. E!!!!

Election Day Results!

Friday, November 2, 2012

November has brought a burst of activity to 4K!

"Look Ms. Holland I made my own food pyramid!"
That's great Blake, we are learning about healthy food choices!

Wow, look at this AMAZING block structure. He even used every block in the center!!

Sorting and Counting Candy Corn!
5-4-3-2-1 Blast Off! (counting backwards)

Experimenting with the Water Table!
Counting apples and placing them on the correct tree!

The Thanksgiving Center is Now Open! 


 Collaborating together to make patterns for their families
Learning how Native Americans
provided food for their families.

Fishing, hunting, gathering alphabet fish for dinner.
"Hurry up, we're hungry for the alphabet fish!"
"I'm working on it!"
Parents! Under my Classroom Websites you will find a new website by Scholastic Book Clubs called Book Wizard...if you log on to the site you will find lots of helpful information but also a search engine that will help you to find out what reading level a favorite book you have at home is! Reading levels help you find what book might be appropriate for your child to read.  In 4K some our children may be at the beginning reading level of an A or B, some even further. So please feel free to utilize this website tool and enjoy seeing your child progress in their reading!